In the blink of an eye (100 days) here we are now Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1600 Daily Blog Posts Milestone Today!
To begin with, there are three things I’m focusing on today’s 1600 Milestone. First, I’m recalling back in my September 17, 2018 – #1300 post – “Perhaps the majority of clean-up for Hurricane Florence will be behind us by then!” Here we are 300 days later! I’m happy to share tomorrow finds us anticipating the hardwood floors installation to begin, hopefully, for all the flooring to be done this week. Stay tuned!
Secondly, since the 1500 Milestone post, I now have a new URL for my business, That domain name is much easier to remember than! I’m still keeping it; however, I’m having it do a redirect to blogconsistently.
And Third, as far as letter writing goes – don’t wait for ‘big news’ to send a letter – it is FINE to just dash off a note. If we want to be receiving mail, it helps to be sending mail!
In case you are looking for the summary listing, I’m sequencing a little differently this Milestone post, meaning, it is at the end of today’s post.
“Any Tendency for procrastination must be contained within 24 hours each day…because the timestamp is going to occur regardless.” – Helen Rittersporn,
Next, I’m including this image of a calendar showing the time period between now and 100 days from now showing October 22, 2019.
Don’t forget about for emailing yourself a projection of what you want to accomplish between now and then!
Trek to 1700 Daily Blog Posts October 22, 2019
With writing my post today and it being the middle of July, perhaps you find yourself in the middle of family vacation schedules this month, and/or home improvement projects underway. Hopefully, you are enjoying the middle of Summer 2019. Furthermore, what I’m mindful of is priorities and the impact of taking daily action steps.
Also, it is worth including, other accomplishments since the last 100 post milestone – it is wonderful having presented Cuddy’s Pawville Quilt in June and completing my PMI Renewal early through February 2023.
This past week, it was an honor to learn I’m in the “Top 130 Project Management Influencer” (#39!) from The Digital Project Manager.
In conclusion, my continued thanks to all of the AnchoredScraps email blog subscribers and Pen Pals.
Here’s to continuing the journey! Tomorrow we begin the trek to #1700 – see you then!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps Milestone Summary #1600 Celebrating Letter Writing!
Below is a summary listing of Milestone posts since launching and viewable at this Milestones link.
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AnchoredScraps 1600 Daily Blog Posts Milestone
7-14-2019 |
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
“Losing Weight Letter Writing 2018 Goals FutureMe“, January 1, 2019 milestone daily blog posts referenced today, all by Helen Rittersporn. Today’s blog post is being added to the category of AnchoredScraps Milestone Blogposts.