The AnchoredScraps April 2020 Recap of this daily blog is the focus today as we look at all of them for this month.
In addition, today is a joy finally getting the bird bath fountain for the garden on the back porch now has the water running! This is definitely something that I know made its way to my done list as a result of the stay-at-home in place this entire month.
Noteworthy is with April 2020 seeing daily blog post numbers #1862 to #1891, we continue on trek to #1900 in May! (And with 2000 in August 2020!)
Below I’m including a summary listing along with links. In case you are new to my blog, as is the case each month on the last day, the summary recap is done on the last day of every month. This is especially helpful if wanting to re-read or go back and catch up in case missed any along the way.

Here is the BlogGrid showing AnchoredScraps April 2020 Recap Daily Blog
Next month, we will be entering the month (at least here in North Carolina) with the stay-in-place until May 8th currently.
In addition, below is the recap with the blog post number count for reference.
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps April 2020 Recap Daily Blog
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Images for each entry shown for April 2020 AnchoredScraps have attributions on their respective individual posts; All blog posts are written by Helen Rittersporn.